Sunday, 26 April 2015

New Products

Here at S & J's we are always on the look out for new products to add to our range of quality grocery.  The lovely people at Birdhouse Teas have blended two new ranges, which we have added to our stocklist.
The first range is formed by the addition of four more teas to the original "Yorkshire Rose" which we have held for some time.  Two of the newcomers represent the Coast and the Dales.  The third is called "Brew" and contains Hops.  Finally, what could be more Yorkshire than Rhubarb?
The second new range is "Rooby".  This is a selection of four rooibos (or rooibosch) teas.  Mader from the leaves of the rooibos (or Red Bush) plant, these are naturally deecaffeinated.  The blends are:Pure, Orange, Vamilla and Earl Grey.
The final new product is something very different.  Locally packed cider vinegar from Ali and Me.  There are two varieties.   They are made from apples grown in Suffolk and Cornwall.  The Suffolk orchard in Soil Association certified, and therefore has Organic Status.  The Cornish orchard is farmed sensitively.
The vinegars are unpasteurised and unfiltered.  The fermentation process prevents decay, so no heat treatment is required.  The fact that they are unfiltered means that they have a cloudy appearance, due to the presence of the "Mother", ferment, a natural and nutritious sediment.
Many health benefits are attributed to cider vinegar.  Customers are encouraged to research the product and take any necessary advice.

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